Sunday, March 21, 2010

Shrinking Blog

You may notice this blog is shrinking. Soon it will be gone altogether, because I'm taking my favorite posts over here, and shutting down.


  1. Oh, that's funny. I always thought you were someone else. What can I say, she quilts, she has a lot of adopted kids, she has a lot of troubles in her life, and she had spoken more about being persecuted with mean comments on her blog. It seemed to fit her.

    Do you think you could change the syndication on your other blog to Full instead of first few lines? It's way easier to read everything through my Reader.

    I'm glad you're blogging more, by the way, and that you're seeing less of a need for this blog.

  2. Ha! I told you you'd be surprised. :)


Folks Who Are Interested in My Opinion (go figure)